Attention, Attention Please!!

What is the attention?

In order to make it easier to read and actually don’t lose your attention we are going to focus directly in the first and the second aspects of attention.

1 - Bottom-up

This type of attention is a rapid, automatic form of selective attention that depends on the intrinsic properties of the input, such as its color or intensity (Koch 2004). Also it works with brightness and movement. It is also known as saliency-based attention, indicating that the more salient an object, the higher the probability of it being noticed.

The main idea is automation, it means that most of the times you can’t control it. And in case you want not to pay attention you even have to focus on it.

It can be seen as a pre-attention

2 - Top-Down Control

Top-down control depends on internal and external states, goals, and expectations. Hence, looking  for a can of Coke will enhance processing of red areas in visual input by increasing the neuronal sensitivity for that particular color (Theeuwes, 2010; Treisman & Gelade, 1980; Van der Lans, Pieters, & Wedel, 2008)
The main idea is that the information that is relevant for goal attainment will be attended to more than irrelevant  information. For example, when we are thirsty, we pay more attention to drinks than to other ítems.

It can be seen as focal-attention.

Just to finish, here we have a funny example of focal-attention. 

What about attention on Marketing?

It is especially important to drag the attention (because it is highly correlated with 'buy intention') of customer in Retail. We can take advantages of the attention tips in order to organize the shelfs and as well the 'shopping trip'. 

For example, we can say that product which drag top-down control attention should be at the back of the store so you force the your potencial customer to go through all the supermarket and visualize other product via bottom-up attention. 

Thanks for your time!
Hope you can enjoy!